Head to Heart Health

Health, Happiness and Harmony are closer than you think.

Category: health

Do this one thing to get the health results you’ve been looking for

Do this one thing to get the health results you’ve been looking for

Whether you want to>>lose weight  >>improve gut health  >>kick your cravings >>find out what food works for you >>let go…

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Fish Cakes

Fish Cakes

I like seafood, and this is a way that both my son and I can enjoy. Sometimes we have them…

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Getting stuck in the cycle

Getting stuck in the cycle

Many people I speak to have a deep need to be right all the time, even when they know they…

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The 10 Commandments of weight loss.

The 10 Commandments of weight loss.

I think we can all agree that losing weight is a big topic these days and everyone is beginning to…

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Is it time for a detox?

Is it time for a detox?

Are you suffering from any of the following sypmtoms? If you are then it might be time for a detox….

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Pesto Your Way

Pesto Your Way

Traditional pesto is a sauce made with fresh basil leaves, olive oil, Parmesan cheese, garlic and pine nuts. I have made it…

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Good Morning, How can I help you?

Good Morning, How can I help you?

Let me tell you all the ways I can help you……….. I have been studying and training and practicing and…

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Hummus – chickpeas and olive oil

Hummus – chickpeas and olive oil

I made this once to take for a share table at a teacher’s development day at kindy and everyone loved…

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Simple Avocado Dip the kids will love

Simple Avocado Dip the kids will love

This recipe was shared with me by a friend many years ago and it is so simple you can make…

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Start your year this way……..

Start your year this way……..

Look back at the year that is gone and write a list of all the things you think of. The…

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