What can I learn today?
Everything I have learnt over the past few years from reading and listening to podcasts, from talking to a psychologist, from research and from courses is all about creating your own reality. Letting go of outcomes and expectations. Giving up on control. What a great message. The two biggest things for me have been letting go of the fixed mindset and perfection. Realising that traits are not fixed, that there is no such thing as failure just lessons and that being critical and hard on myself only leads to pain and suffering. That learning is part of the journey- it doesn’t mean I’m not smart. Being and looking perfect only makes for a tired brain and worn out body. Plus perfection simply does not exist. The other is knowing where I am limiting myself, where I am self sabotaging even in the smallest of ways and realising that feeling good and being happy for most of the time is actually achievable – it all depends on me. I am finding it easier. I recognise my upper limit and when I am self sabotaging most of the time. I am finding it easier to let go of perfectionism and holding myself to unrealistic standards, I am finding it easier to try new things, to learn and to not be the best. It all takes practice but if I want the reward than I must put in the effort. Asking myself the question “What else is possible?” or “What haven’t I explored yet?” Is only going to get me moving because as we all know it’s the journey that counts, not the destination! I love this journey. x
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