Green Liver Detox Smoothie

Green Liver Detox Smoothie

Now that Spring is upon us, I am ready to drink smoothies again. In the winter I swap my smoothies for soups, to warm me up. Smoothies can really be anything you like, but here is an idea for you, the mint and lemon are great for the liver, and the combination of ingredients will brighten your dull winter skin.


  • 1 apple, chopped
  • 1 celery stick, chopped
  • 8 cm piece of cucumber, chopped
  • 1 tsp of chia seeds
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • Fresh mint leaves to taste
  • 1 cup of filtered water
  • Ice cubes (optional)

Add all ingredients to your blender and blitz until smooth. Enjoy 🙂

If you’d like to learn more about your health and how to improve it you can book a chat with me here: 20 MINUTE CHAT


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