Good Morning, How can I help you?
Let me tell you all the ways I can help you………..
I have been studying and training and practicing and I have added more tools to my toolbox.
Over the past 18 months I have learnt Hypnosis, Nuero Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy ™, Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift, Access Consciousness Bars and I have become a Reiki Master.
What does this mean for you?
This means that I can help you get a lot deeper on the problems that are holding you back and get you the results you desire, in a more permanent and life changing way.
I can help with
>>losing weight and living a healthier life
>>quitting smoking
>>enhancing your performance in work, sport or play and getting the results you desire
>>letting go of anxiety and calming your mind
>>changing habits and becoming more energised
>>removing limiting beliefs and reclaiming your life
>>creating love for yourself and finding joy
>>choosing a healthier mind and body
>>clearing energetic blocks and raising your vibration
>>stop judging yourself and see the possibilities that you can be
>>and much more
Here is a testimonial from Hannah from Lyndoch who did the Head to Heart Healing Arts Program with me earlier this year
My anxiety felt out of control. If I was eating, it was food that I thought would make me feel better – but actually made me feel terrible (so much chocolate, sweets, heavy carb based pasta, greasy take-out) but I really didn’t know what else to eat! It was the cycle I had been in for many years now, the last year my anxiety really `ramped up`. Some days I couldn’t stop eating, and others I couldn’t eat at all. I couldn’t fall asleep and when I did, I was waking throughout the night. I had been to a psychologist and tentatively been given a diagnosis of panic disorder.
After this program, I am coming up to another psych appointment and I feel like I need to cancel! I am falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow (something I haven’t done in years). When I do struggle with my anxiousness, Lucy has given me ways to work through that and it doesn’t overwhelm me. My life feels like mine again – I feel like I am an active participant, instead of being someone just watching my choices be made for me. Different parts of the program helped target a wide range of processes and thoughts across my life, and it makes me feel like I had a well-rounded reset.
If you would like to make changes in your life, calm your mind, energise your body and reclaim your life, then I would love to hear from you.
Have a happy and healthy week.
Lucy xx
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