How do you want to feel?
I’d really love to know…….
When I usually ask clients they’ll say, ‘not grumpy’ ‘not tired’ ‘not fat’ ‘not sad’ ‘not lonely.’
Do you see a problem there? They can tell me how they don’t want to feel, but they’re not sure what they do want.
If you were to ask me “how do you want to feel?” I’d say something like, vibrant, peaceful, energetic, orgasmic, sexy, desirable, motivated, focused, joyful, grateful, strong, brave, confident, calm, open……
How do you think the energy feels different between what I hear my clients say, and what I say?
Abraham Hicks said “Whenever you start guiding yourself by caring about how you feel, you start guiding yourself back into your stream of source energy, and that’s where your clarity is; that’s where your joy is; that’s where your flexibility is; that’s where your balance is; that’s where your good ideas come from. That’s where all the good stuff is accessed from.”
When I work with clients we look at the distinction between working away from something (grumpy, sad, tired) and working towards something (vibrant, peaceful, orgasmic) and what this means to you in regards to your motivation. This distinction can go even deeper, for example if your goal is to be thin, you might be working away from being fat, bloated, gassy, diabetes, autoimmune disease, tired, sad and working towards shopping at the mall shops, getting down on the floor to play with your kids, confidence at work, energy, glowing skin etc.
Your main motivation may be away from,, for example you still have old patterns and behaviours that you had when you were fat, tired and sad, but you really don’t want them anymore. You’re focused on getting away from this and you think ‘thin’ is the answer.
Setting goals comes down to how you want to feel or how you don’t want to feel. If your motivation is away focused, this will only get you so far. If you’re focused on what’s behind you it can be an anchor to keep taking you back or holding you in a pattern, the key to moving forwards and really getting results is to focus on what your moving towards.
To focus on what you’re moving towards you need to let go of old emotions, patterns, beliefs and behaviours that got you here and create new ones that will get you moving forwards. Creating new habits it’s a lot easier when you’re working with the unconscious mind, in ways such as hypnosis, NLP and Time Line Therapy ®.
The easiest way to get what you want is to focus on it and believe in it. Can you imagine what it will feel like to get your goal? Can you imagine all the joy it will bring to your life? The more you can tap into this feeling the more you will be in ‘your stream of source energy’ as Abraham Hicks said, which means you’ll be in vibrational alignment with your soul.
This is the feeling we’re all chasing, this is the energy of manifestation and fulfillment.
Tell me, how do you want to feel?
If you’d like to take the next step in your health, with good food and great feelings, then you can book a FREE 30 min strategy session with me here: BOOK NOW
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