Green Goodness Smoothie

Green Goodness Smoothie

As the weather warms up, I get back into making smoothies. I often recommend smoothies to clients as a great way to get more protein and veggies in to your daily diet. Many people have them as a breakfast, a way to get their metabolism started when they don’t like eating in the morning.

Have a go at this smoothie for breakfast or your morning snack and notice that your sugar cravings start to go away.


 1½ cup fresh baby spinach*
 1 fresh or frozen banana peeled
 2-3 slices fresh or frozen pineapple
 1 tbsp. chia seeds soaked (if you have time) (can
be substituted for flax seeds)
 1 cup ice, or chilled water or coconut water

I don’t have to tell you how to make a smoothie, but I will anyway. Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Drink and enjoy 🙂

I also love adding collagen to my smoothies for some extra gut, skin, hair, nails, muscle health. I use either nutraorganics or gelpro. Plus I have been using this blend lately and loving it. It has chia, flax and hemp in it for total goodness. (not affiliated with any of these brands)


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