Avocado Mousse – Even my dad likes it

Avocado Mousse – Even my dad likes it

My dad is a huge sweet tooth and normally when I make sugar free dessert he smiles and says not bad and then never has it again. But this dessert he said he liked it and he would even eat it again. I put honey in the one he ate, so it was a bit sweeter than if i make it just for me.

2 avocados
1-2 tbs honey (not essential, just makes it sweeter)
1 tsp vanilla extract (also not essential I just love it)
about 1/2 cup cocao powder

Scoop the flesh of the avocado into a food processor and blend until smooth add the other ingredients and combine.
Put the mousse mix into cups or bowls in serving sizes and put in the fridge for an hour or so until serving. (you can eat it straight away if your like me)


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