Why mindset matters
Mental health and mindset are becoming more and more important as daily expectations and stress grow each year. Everyone from children to the elderly are affected by factors seemingly outside of their control. The health system recommends medication and talk therapy, both which seem to help to a certain extent, but more and more people are looking for other ways to feel happier.
Instant Gratification
Having everything at our fingertips may seem like a good way to save time, and make life easier, but it seems to also increase stress levels, and ‘the grass is always greener’ mentality. I see people looking for the ‘quick fix’ or the magic wand that will make all their troubles go away, make them instantly feel happy, or take them from overweight to skinny overnight. Technology enables you to satisfy a craving with home delivery, answer a question with internet searches and we are finding it harder to take consistent action to get what we want.
Why we need to learn to wait.
If your head has a loop of negative self-talk constantly bringing you down, it’s not going to end with a quick meditation or by reading a book like “Don’t sweat the small stuff”. These things will help, as long as you take consistent action like meditating every day, or taking what you learn from the book and putting it into action. When it comes to goals in health, mental or physical, you keep going until you achieve your goal, all the stopping and starting won’t get you very far. Which is why we need to learn to wait, be patient and track progress. If your taking consistent action, you’ll achieve your goals.
What you focus on grows.
We all have negative thoughts and feelings and we all have down days. So why do some people seem to be sad and miserable and others happy and optimistic? Is it Genetic? It really comes down to what you’re focusing on. The sad and miserable people, will make a mistake and focus on what a failure they are, and how everything went terribly wrong. The happy and optimistic people will make a mistake and focus on what they could do differently and how they can fix things or move on.
You really can choose.
One of the biggest hurdles when it comes to being happy, is that people who are stuck in the depression, anxiety, sad, lonely cycle, feel like they don’t have a choice. They feel like that’s just how they are, and there is no changing them. Most of them believe the negative, mean thoughts they have, and all the ways they judge themselves as wrong. But the truth is, you can change it, because you can choose. Your reality is determined by your beliefs and focus.
It’s the flip side of the coin.
On one side of the coin, you have the things going wrong, and on the other side of the coin, you have the things going right. Here’s a very simple example: “I have to put petrol in my car, it’s so expensive, I hate having to fill it up, this sucks” flip-side “Time to put petrol in the car, I love having a full tank, I’m thankful I have money to pay for it, driving around makes things so much easier”
So what side of the coin are you going to choose?
Negative thoughts are real.
Yes we all have negative thoughts, no one is going to tell you, to think positive all the time, but when you do have a negative thought, try flipping the coin and see what you come up with. You can start with small and simple things like getting petrol, doing washing, going to work and you can work up to bigger things like how you feel about yourself or the way you look.
And of course…
If you need help with making the mindset shift from everything is going wrong to yay, what else is possible now, then make the time to talk to me. Book a FREE discovery call here: BOOK NOW
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