Start your year this way……..
Look back at the year that is gone and write a list of all the things you think of.
The good, the bad, the amazing………..
What were the big successes of the past 12 months?
Using the following 9 areas of life (add or replace with ones that resonate more with you) take a look at each one and think about ways to increase your satisfaction in these areas this year.
What would you like to achieve?
What resources and support do you need to achieve it?
What steps do you need to take to get there?
- Creativity – In what ways do you express your creativity? Make a list of all the creative things you would like to try this year and what steps you would need to take to make them happen.
- House – How does each space in your house get used? How does each space make you feel? What areas in your house need decluttering? How you would like your house to feel this year? What would you like to do this year to make your house and environment feel more like that?
- Career – What workshops would you like to attend this year? Which Programs would you like to invest in? Is there any personal or professional development you can do that would enhance your career? What are you capable of this year? Who or what do you need to make it happen?
- Joy – What things do you love to do? What things help you to feel at peace with who you are? What things would you like to do this year that will light you up and bring more joy to your life? How often would you like to do these things? What would you need to do to make these things happen?
- Family / Friends- Who would you like to spend time with this year? What people would you like to connect with this year? How do you see your family life being this year? How can you help your children to enjoy their year? What could you do that would be fun for you and the whole family?
- Health (emotional/physical/fitness/nutrition/well-being)- What are your physical health goals this year? What are your mental health goals this year? What would you like to learn about health this year? How do you plan on creating a self care routine this year?
- Finances – What amount of money would you like to make this year? What income streams do you currently have? What income streams are you going to create this year? Do you have financial commitments that you would like to pay off this year?
What else can you create to contribute to your money flows? - Travel – What time of the year would you like to book trips in for? Where would you like to go? Who would you like to visit? What steps do you need to take to make that happen? What grand and glorious adventure can you have this year?
- Relationships – What relationship goals do you have for this year? In what ways would you like to deepen your relationship this year? What things do you love to do with your partner? What new things can you do together this year? What can you do to ensure that your relationship gets the attention it needs and deserves?
If you were fully supported in every area of your life, what would that look like?
What if today could be the beginning of something different?
What tools and resources do you have for when you are feeling stuck, off track, overwhelmed or under the pump?
Write down some strategies that you can use when you are running low on energy and clarity.
(hint: booking a session with me would be one of them 😉 )
If you had one theme for the year ahead, what would it be?
Create an affirmation that you can say daily to keep you focussed on your goals.
I am open to new ideas, new thoughts and new people in my life
I unconditionally love and approve of myself at all times
I deserve what I desire
I listen to and trust my deepest insights
I acknowledge my own goodness
I love and trust my creative gifts
I live in the truth of my grace, beauty and intelligence
I am divinely protected and guided
The more love I give the more there is to receive
Now put up your affirmations and your steps so you can see them everyday, read them out loud to yourself and take action towards increasing satisfaction in each area of your life.
What energy, space and consciousness do you and your body need to be to create the year of your dreams?
I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings. 🙂
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