health and wellness
Receive or generate $1 million with Bars.
It’s not a business offer, so read on…. |
In her book “Financially Free Forever” Jessica Giles writes “If we can’t receive a compliment or offer of help, how on earth do we think we can receive $1 million? Everything is connected and receiving is receiving, regardless of the form it takes.” |
What does this have to do with Access Consciousness Bars®? |
Access Consciousness Bars® has a few parts to it, one is being in the question, one is clearing things that don’t serve us and the other is receiving. |
Now you see the link between Bars and $1m?It’s all about receiving!In the One Day Practitioners Class you learn how to receive, every time you get your Bars Run (that’s what we call a session) you open up to more receiving. If you give someone a Bars Session, you open them and you up to more receiving. When you stay in the question you open yourself up to more receiving. When you use the clearing statement and clear limits you open yourself up to more receiving. |
Money can be received in many different ways, it’s not just money coming in from the bank from your paycheck. It could be a friend buying you a coffee, selling something on marketplace, a gift or prize.In his book “Right Riches For You” Gary Douglas – the founder of Access Consciousness Bars® says that you can ask anything, whether it’s going to make you money. A car, house, clothes, appliance, antique, furniture and more. He says they all have their own consciousness and can contribute to your money flows, all you have to do is ask. |
What would being able to receive, change for you?+Receiving Compliments? +Receiving Help? +Receiving Business? +Receiving Money? +Receiving Love? +Receiving Support? What new story could you create for your life? |
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