If losing weight is a focus for you…
……Building muscle is the way to go.
You may think that your focus should be on losing weight…..think about this5kg of fat and 5kg of muscle weigh the same amount BUT they look very different on your body.
As you build muscle, you burn more fat, muscle is great at using energy and burning fat, but what you also do is change the look, feel and overall health of your body.
Think about the trim, lean, toned body vs the soft, saggy, loose body.
Time to look at muscle as your way to your ideal body.
Body composition is often not the focus when it comes to a ‘weight loss’ program. Your more likely to be looking at calories in and calories out plus how much cardio you can fit into a week.
The problem with this is that it won’t get you the results you want and it could actually hinder your progress.
For a healthy metabolism and healthy body you need to have more calories then you might think, by reducing your calories too much you are putting your body into a ‘survival’ mode type scenario where it converts calories to fat and slows down your metabolism. Eating more calories that are nutrient dense allows your body to speed up your metabolism, burn fat and get all your organs and systems working effectively, giving you more energy, vitality and overall health.
Fat, protein and carbohydrates are accessed and used by your muscles in different ways, aiding in the building and repairing of muscle tissue.
Going to the gym or at home and doing a resistance or weights session will get your muscles firing, turning fat into energy. Not only this but your muscles will continue to burn fat as energy for hours after you’ve finished your workout.
Have a sit down job? no problem, get those muscles working in the morning and continue to burn fat while at work for the rest of the day.
A lean muscular body is firm, strong and toned, most people have a desire for this type of body, you can lose weight and not gain any muscle and your body will still be soft and loose.
Building muscle now is also going to ensure greater health and mobility as you age, muscle helps our bones move, our bones stay strong and our immune, nervous and endocrine systems stay healthy.
Is building muscle next on your list?
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