Chickpea Burgers (my best version yet)
I love having meat free meals, but as you know it can be tricky to make vegetarian meals that are healthy and the kids love. We’ve been eating chickpea burgers for years, and I often tweak and change the recipe depending on what I have in the cupboard and fridge. This latest version is my best yet! We both loved them and they were great for lunch the next day. I had some caramelized onion relish on my burger and oooh yummo! I also love them with hummus, but you try them and see what you like best!
1 x 400g can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 small to medium carrot, washed and grated
1/4 cup of almond meal
1/4 cup of hemp seeds
1/4 cup of sesame seeds
2 eggs, lightly beaten
4 bread rolls – we love rye
Choose your ingredients to build your burger
lettuce leaves
slices of tomatoes
slices of beetroot
slices of cheese
relish, mustard, sauce
Place the chickpeas in a bowl and using a potato masher or fork, mash until almost smooth. Add carrot, flour and seeds, and egg. Mix to combine. Using wet hands, divide mixture into quarters and shape each portion into a patty.
Heat 1-2 tbs of olive or coconut oil in a frying pan and over medium heat cook patties, for 5 or so minutes on each side, or until heated through.
Cut your rolls in half, you can toast them slightly, and then start to put your burger together.
You can serve with salad or veggie fries for a complete meal.
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